A sanctuary of non-judgement

Created by Theodora Kasey Longordo

Medical Intuitive and Subconscious Practitioner

Words from a Private Client:

“… she is a guiding light. Teddy embodies pure unconditional love and acceptance and holds you in that space and reflects back to you that healed state, offering perspective shifts and guidance to help you transcend to a more loving state of being. The sacred space and container created by Teddy in our sessions is truly transformational….”

How to Work with Theodora

IN Private Sessions

Focused on subconscious reprogramming, trauma healing, physical regeneration, and sustainable overall well-being. She created the “equal sign method” for discovering and changing subconscious beliefs.

As a private client, you can expect to identify, resolve and re-pattern any beliefs that are causing you to feel stuck, dissociated, dysregulated, or anxious.

Her Coaching program is specific to the needs of every client, curating the pace and format of her work to your needs.

It is an alternative to traditional talk therapy using groundbreaking techniques to access deeply rooted programs and beliefs within our psyche.

With a decade of experience in subconscious therapy and alternative healing, Theodora offers a wide range of guidance to help you unlock your innate self healing abilities.

Theodora has worked with award winning directors to help them reignite their wellness, Pulitzer Prize winning authors, and has been consulted by the Monroe Institute for her intuitive insights

With her penetrating perception into the energetics of emotions, and her teachings on how to integrate spirituality into daily life in grounded and practical ways, Theodora’s clients report profound shifts as they discover a new understanding of who they are here to be. 

She is a professional Medical Intuitive and treats mental health the same as physical health - any dis-ease or disorder has an emotional and energetic thread. Theodora can help you discover, dislodge and rewire the neurological structures that cause this dis-ease within you - whether it is mental health or physical health.

Theodora also offers psychedelic integration support - for more information, email directly

Want to discuss what it could look like for you?

Theodora has brightened my world in a way that is indescribable because who I was is so unrecognizable. In two years of working with her, I went from shoveling rocks with a construction company, making 35k a year to leading a team of 6 with a salary topping 150k. Believe it or not... this is the least impressive element that has changed since I found Teddy...
— Jason Schalz

Tarot Reading

Intuitive Tarot Readings

A mystic & seer for over twenty years, Theodora can tap into your higher self and help you remove blocks and embody your higher purpose.

Do you have questions for the higher realms or perhaps just want to be intuitively guided?

Have you been wanting to expand your perspective on a certain topic? Do you need guidance on the energy of two different options?

Astrology Chart Readings

Astrology is not a science, it is a guide into the magnetism of our souls and how we have chosen to relate to the ancient archetypal energies within the collective.