• What is Medical Intuition?

    It is a skill developed through focused, intuitive instinct to read the energies and subtle frequencies of someone’s field to identify the emotional, physical and mental imbalances in the electromagnetic field. Medical intuition works side by side with medical practitioners to deliver faster healing and deeper self-awareness to the client. This is for the purpose of healing and aligning the body to its optimal health.

  • What does it look like?

    For Theodora, her Medical Intuition was triggered by a deep fascination an knowledge of the human body and its biology. Due to her logical comprehension and her intuitive insights, Theodora is able to identify the patterns that have created the dis-ease of the body/mind/spirit connection and also a holistic step-by-step as to how to begin to change these patterns.

  • How is a medical intuitive different than a medical practitioner?

    A professional medical intuition is able to see not only current problems, but also potential problems that have not yet manifested in a persons field. The medical intuitive assists the client in healing and transmuting detrimental emotions and beliefs to encourage regeneration of optimal health. The medical intuitive removes cellular memory and sets the client on a path for neurological regeneration. A medical practitioner uses the purely anatomy and physiology as well as modern medicine to treat the body as an individual unit. A medical intuitive can work simultaneously and fluidly with someones medical practitioners advice. They do not contradict one another.

  • Are your sessions confidential?

    Yes, all sessions with Theodora are confidential and all client files are password protected.

  • What kind of issues do you treat as a Medical Intuitive?

    The ailments range from life threatening medical conditions (stage four cancers, Alzheimer’s, Autoimmune Disorders, etc) to high risk mental disorders such as suicidal depression and schizophrenia. A medical intuitive treats disorders of the body and the mind the same, because energetically, they are just expressions of an underlying dissonance.

  • What the session like?

    If you are a first time client, a session looks like a gentle, targeted questioning process to allow Teddy to observe the energetics of your subconscious within your narrative and experience. Theodora is a huge proponent of nervous system awareness and will notice when there needs to be a break for breathing and settling back into the heart space. She encourages clients interrupting her if something pings for them. She also loves streams of consciousness and free association. After the session, you receive a write up of any recommended practices to do and detailed explanation of how to do them. If you are a returning client/weekly client, then you will check in with your over all experience (emotionally/physically/menially) and discuss events of the week and how they affected the emotional body, and work to grow and develop self-awareness and self-regulation tools and techniques that are curated for you.

  • Is a medical intuitive psychic?

    Theodora is a claircognizant, meaning that her connection to the Akashic Realm/Quantum Field is what allows her to access information on demand (assuming that the information is for everyones highest good to know, if it is not, the answers will not be clear). She has spent over 20 years fine tuning her intuition and this combined with her knowledge and studies in Neurological Science, Anatomy and Esoteric Sciences, she can confidently help anyone, no matter the level of trauma or dis-ease. Her studies and her learning never stop or stagnate. Her mission is to be able to help anyone, especially those who believe themselves to be helpless.

  • How long does it take to heal?

    That will of course depend on how ingrained the trauma, beliefs, feelings, thoughts and strength of will are within the psyche. For genetic disorders or dis-ease since childhood, Theodora recommends 3-6 Months of weekly sessions over Zoom.

    For mental health issues that are currently requiring medication and inhibit your functioning, 3-9 months of weekly sessions are recommended.

    For anxiety, general dis-ease or numbness, dissociative disorders, muscular disorders/accidents, skeletal accidents, weight loss, or cosmetic issues, Theodora Recommends 1-3 Months

    If you have something specific that is not listed in these categories, please reach out to Theodora

  • How do I book a session?

    Book a session here

    All sessions are over Zoom Video (unless audio is preferred by the client).

    Theodora can record the session to send to you for re-listening.

    When you book a session, Theodora will reach out to you for scheduling within a few hours.

    She is in EST, but her schedule is international and her sleep schedule is polyrhythmic and allows for all times of the day and night to be available for clients.

Ready to get started?

Begin with a 30 Minute Consultation