Medical Intuitive & Micro-Moment Coach

Passionate about living her highest expression, Teddy is a coach and intuitive for those that are ready to free themselves of their physical or mental boundaries.

Theodora has a passion for science, learning, self-improvement, and finding the micro-moments that create patterns.

“…She can find your belief structures like it’s a sixth sense… I felt myself blown away for a year straight watching how Teddy helped me get out of my own way…”

She shines a light on the path for others to expand beyond the perceived limitations of their mind and live as the masters that they are while remaining grounded in the modern world.

With twenty years of training as an energy worker and over five years as a life coach, Theodora uses a masterful blend of techniques stemming from research in neuroplasticity, electromagnetic field theory, mayan shamanism and much more. With her unique interests ranging from etymology to multidimensional communications to surgical anatomy to depth psychology, Theodora has cultivated a unique medical intuition that helps her guide her clients into total mental, physical and emotional regeneration.


Bridging Science & Spirituality to redefine mental health.

To assist in the rehabilitation of human resiliency, connection, love, sovereignty and creativity through expanding the self

I see the bigger picture perspective, the fine lines of the psyche, the matrices, and nuances unseen by others.

I believe in healing the self, first.

I have a beautiful vision for bringing healing to those who are ready on any and all levels of consciousness.

my life in a nutshell:
Here is the reader’s digest…. in 2013 I left the traditional work force (student of medicine and full time Real Estate Manager) and moved across the country with a backpack to live in Venice Beach California with my now Wife, Jill.

Over the past ten years we have traveled extensively (in a van and on bicycle tours) living in places such as Maui, South Dakota, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Mount Palomar. Before I started Witchtastica in 2019, I experienced working as a bartender, stable hand, caretaker, farmer, sports book, escort, poker player, and my personal favorite, a dominatrix.

For 20 years I have been training as a mystic and multidimensional traveller and have taken my life experience & personal trauma narratives and turned them into success stories and tools to teach clients how to do the same.

I have used my medical intuition and claircognizance to heal chronic physical illnesses of my own, to lose over 100lbs, change the skeletal structure of my chest and feet, heal cavities, improve my vision, elongate my spine/realign my pelvis and realign a deviated trachea.

This was just self-healing and work in neuroplasticity

Currently, We live in between the islands of North Carolina and the Island of Manhattan and you can almost always catch us smoking a cigar and walking our Italian Greyhound, Noodle.

In my spare time, I enjoy photography, reading, journaling, tinkering, eating sushi, smoking cigars, and exploring the streets of NYC or the Islands of North Carolina.

Want to learn more?

Listen to my interviews on: