Becoming a Dragon Master Program
A Virtual Self-Study Program to connect you to the Dragon Realm & Discover your psychic abilities
Dragon Log In Portal
The Dragon is the emotional master, the guide into the mirror
They remind us of our own strength and capabilities.
The Dragon is the Pinnacle of Power and the Guardians of Magick.
The Dragon is ancient love.
If you are feeling the call to deepen your connection to the other world, the Dragon’s wisdom can assist you in your quest
Theodora & the Dragon
When the Dragon first showed itself to me in my bedroom as a child, I wasn’t surprised. Her and I took flight into the night sky (in Astral Form of course) and never looked back.
I have identified as a Draconic Witch since 2001.
The knowledge I have, I have received from experience and from the Akasha. Everyone is different and everyone is valid.
In Lemuria I was the General of the Dragon Guard and in Arthurian Times, I was a Dragon Mother, a trainer of Dragonlings. This is also something I do in this lifetime as well.
Whenever a Dragon is trying to find its human, they typically come to me and together, we send out energy fractals to attract their human counter parts!
The Dragon is a primordial energy source, a magickal and formidable embodiment of Duality.
They are phenomenal.
The Dragons come in ALL personality types. Some are fickle and some are irritable. Others are soothing and nurturing.
They help give us strength, courage, and if we are open, knowledge. In its essence, the path of the Dragon is not a religion, but merely a way of being. It is drenched in honor, integrity, honesty, self-discipline, and, surprisingly to some, Unconditional love.
Their energy is unique, inspiring.
In every way, they are master healers and the ultimate spirit guide for multidimensional travel
Every human being is capable of accessing their guardian dragon spirit to work with them, guide them and remind them of their power!
What is Dragon Magick?
the companionship of the Dragon to deepen your love for self and all. It can be whatever you wish.
The Dragon is one of the most powerful creatures in the Universe and they harness unmatched manifestation abilities. When befriended and adored, they will help you in whatever higher understanding you are seeking.
What to expect:
3+ Hours of audio/video content, transcripts of channeling from the Draconic Council and Activities to strengthen your connect to your Dragon and the other inter dimensional beings.
Level One
Dragon Guardians and How to Connect with them
The History of Dragons
Dimensions: What are they?
Connecting with our Dragon heart
The Mouth of the Dragon Meditation
Psychic Abilities
Level Two
Connecting to our Intuitive Nature
Pendulum, How to
The Dragon Code / Meditations
Level Three
Invoke the Dragon Energy
Lemurian Dragon Guard
Astral Travel
Shamanism and the Dragon
Dragon Script
Lemurian Self Meditation
Dragon Flight Meditation
Level Four
Creative Expression
Ley Lines
Alignment 101
Enter the Dragon Realm Meditation
Level Five
Channelings from the Alpha Draconic Council
Alchemy 101
Faerie Intro & Herbs
Akashic record Meditation
Sign the registry Meditation
Level Six (Final)
Focus Activity
Solar Rituals
Masculine & Feminine
The Dark and Light
Draconic Channel on love
Past Life Visit Meditation
Channeling Transmission:
“In the 3rd Dimension, you ask for things because you want things that you think will make you feel better, but this isn’t working for you anymore if you are reading these words and we know you are. In lower states of consciousness that thing you want and you’re asking for, you are asking because you do not have and when you have you will feel better.
In the higher frequencies, you activate the frequency within you so that you get more of what you enjoy and what brings you joy and that which you deserve more of.
So, you must find it in your world right now, in your experience to ignite the frequency within you.
You must activate and expand and allow and become more spacious, more love, and more will be available to you.
You want to open so that you can become a beautiful cup to be filled with whatever delicacy you desire.
We will leave you tonight with the topic of focus. Allowing your awareness to expand to these higher understandings and these different perspectives will awaken a force within you and this force is a magnetic pull.
- The Draconic Council & Roto the Dragon of Life
May I be guided, may I be clear, may I be granted the power of Dragon Fire
to transmute any and all energies that are not for the highest good of all involved.
As above, so below.
As within, so without.