Akashic Mystery School

Welcome, Friend

Have you been feeling the call to bring more inspiration into your life? To cultivate willpower and direction in your life? To remember your soul purpose and begin to embody this primal power?

Theodora has created a Five Month Course for the Beginner Alchemist & Mystic where you can explore and discover the answers to all of this and more…..

Learn how to channel, discover the Ancient Arts of the Mayan and Egyptian Traditions?

Have you dreamed about learning alchemy?

Have you wondered what it is like to Astral Project?

To be able to perform divination yourself?

To access your ‘Clair’ skills?

To know your star lineage and find clues within your own birth chart?

To discover the subconscious and build a foundation within you that feels like effortless magick?

Have you wanted to cultivate the discipline it takes to be an Alchemist?

A Magician?

A Witch

What is it ?

The Akashic Mystery School is a Five Month 1:1 Program

The School was consciously crafted by Theodora to blend together the power of knowledge and intuition.

To help guide you into remembering the power of who you are

To assist you in accessing and using your higher powers

To reconnect to the innate intelligence within your body

To be able to ceremonially set a temple within your physical body and your personal dwelling

To give you a foundation of magick - of childlike wonder - to assist you in building a life that is magickal and free - filled with potential

To educate you on the collective undercurrents that play a huge role within our subconscious

To empower you to be able to recognize the ripples within you that start first within the collective unconscious

The Course will contain a set curriculum that can be accessed at anytime through this page, Bi-Weekly 45 Minute Calls over Zoom, a monthly tarot reading to connect with your higher self and set the intentions for the month ahead, a BONUS 60 minute call on the intuitive format of your Astrology Chart

Why Enroll?

to help build discipline, empower knowledge, to learn body integration and higher consciousness awareness in order to build a foundation on wonderment.

Through knowledge, observation, and embodiment, we build

This course is meant to help you stay focused on you, to assist you in activating your inner abilities, to shake you out of the mundane, to empower you to your own healing, to wipe away the scattered unfocused energies and direct you back to yourself.

To remember why you came here - to unlock that inner wisdom and embody who you are

This Course is for you if…..

You find yourself consistently unmotivated, yet wanting to try and do countless activities or courses

You are trying to discover your path in this world and remember who you are

or perhaps, you lack motivation to stay committed to your path

magick has always intrigued you but you are unsure of where or how to start

you loved magick shows as a kid and always wanted to learn more - is it real?

you feel drawn to the Egyptian and/or Mayan Cultures

Shamanism fascinates you and you feel called to the indigenous healing modalities

psychedelic drugs and higher consciousness experiences have always pinged your interest and you have been wanting to learn more about them and how they interact within the body

Mythology and Fairy Tales inspire you

The Ancient Gods are something you feel butterflies in your belly when you read or hear about them

You have always wanted to explore Astrology and understand how it applies to you

if you have lacked motivation and direction in any area of your life and are wanting to learn the power of discipline to be able to propel yourself forward.


Can I begin whenever?

Yes! The Akashic Mystery School is now a 1:1 5 Month Program!

We can begin together whenever you are ready!

How long is the course?

The Course is a Five Month Journey

What is the total cost of enrollment?

$2,000 or 5 Monthly Payments of $444

Akashic Mystery School

5 Month Curriculum

  • Month One : Introduction to Alchemy and the Sacred Body

    In the first month of this course, we will be studying the ancient arts with integrative studies in auric reading, cord cutting, field cleansing, energetic boundaries and containers, as well as how to build a temple within your body and your home.

    Discover sacred geometry and how to apply this to your everyday life.

    There will be an opening ceremony on September 1st to seal the container and set intentions for the journey into the Akasha.

  • Month Two: Connecting to the Collective

    In the second month we dive deeper into the breath, ‘the matrix’, and archetypes

    We study the archetypes and how they relate to us individually and we will begin to connect to the breath, building the golden grid of the body.

  • Month Three: The Way of the Ancient Mystic

    In the third month, we will begin the ancient art of working with the stars.

    We will integrate astrology as well as the Tzolkin Calendar and the ancient ways of the Egyptians into our daily rituals. body

    We will get to know thyself through the mirror of the stars and the wisdom of the mystics before us.

    We will complete the golden grid of the body

  • Month Four: Discipline and the Power of the Mind

    In the four month we integrate, we apply, we meditate, we share, we explore together, we ask questions.

    We open into level two containment, learning how to expand our healing heart center out to the energies around us.

    We strengthen the heart, we open the etheric wings and begin to call in our past and future selves.

    You will learn about deities, mythology and the power of religious symbolism

  • Month Five: Remembering your Multi-Dimensional Self

    In the fifth month we apply this magick outward. We learn to astral project, we learn the levels of the dimensions and what they represent.

    We learn about frequencies, vibrations and the nature of energy itself.

    In the fifth month you become a level one alchemist.

    What is the astral plane?

    What does that mean?

    What is shadow and what is the work?

    Detaching ourselves from the old programming/coding

    Balancing the collective shadow

    Clearing codes for the next generation of Star children