Comprehensive Natal Chart Reading


A 1 hour - 90 minute voice memo with everything that comes with the Basic Natal Chart Reading + all vital aspects (within 3 degrees of the exact placement).

Aspects in the Natal Chart are the degrees that separate planets from one another. Some aspects create tension and challenging subtle energies for us, some create ease and flow within our personality and dynamics with others. They are important and specific to the individual. I believe aspects make the difference in understanding the psyche and driving force of the person.


Birth Day

Birth Month

Birth Year

Birth Time

Birth Location

(If you do not know your exact birth time, I will be reaching out to you with some questions to narrow it down)

You will receive your chart within 72 hours of purchase

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A 1 hour - 90 minute voice memo with everything that comes with the Basic Natal Chart Reading + all vital aspects (within 3 degrees of the exact placement).

Aspects in the Natal Chart are the degrees that separate planets from one another. Some aspects create tension and challenging subtle energies for us, some create ease and flow within our personality and dynamics with others. They are important and specific to the individual. I believe aspects make the difference in understanding the psyche and driving force of the person.


Birth Day

Birth Month

Birth Year

Birth Time

Birth Location

(If you do not know your exact birth time, I will be reaching out to you with some questions to narrow it down)

You will receive your chart within 72 hours of purchase

A 1 hour - 90 minute voice memo with everything that comes with the Basic Natal Chart Reading + all vital aspects (within 3 degrees of the exact placement).

Aspects in the Natal Chart are the degrees that separate planets from one another. Some aspects create tension and challenging subtle energies for us, some create ease and flow within our personality and dynamics with others. They are important and specific to the individual. I believe aspects make the difference in understanding the psyche and driving force of the person.


Birth Day

Birth Month

Birth Year

Birth Time

Birth Location

(If you do not know your exact birth time, I will be reaching out to you with some questions to narrow it down)

You will receive your chart within 72 hours of purchase

Basic Natal Chart Reading
Synastry Chart Reading